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About gunsgunsguns

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  1. Thanks Bob, It has been awhile since I've been out with my brother shooting his Johnson rifle, but I'm sure we were probably shooting military brass, couldn't afford Norma, expecially for a .30-06. It really dinged the rim to the point that the brass was not reloadable. Someone told me that the cases should be oiled, like the Japanese machinegun (model I don't remember). Have you ever heard of this or tried it yourself? Regards, Guns
  2. Have you shot the Johnson and found your brass comes out fine, or are you talking in general? Galil's beat the heck out of their brass, I'm wondering if this is a Johnson problem, the chamber did not appear rough, but it has been awhile since I've had a chance to look at the weapon.
  3. Hello, My first posting on this board, brand new member. I have a question for you Johnson shooters. I picked up one for my brother many years ago, which I wish I could have afforded to keep then, but glad for my bro. Anyway, when we've fired it, it rips the heck out of the rims, making the brass useless. Is this a normal treatment of it's brass? Someone recently advised to oil the cartridges prior to loading in the rifle. He's down in the Republic of Calif, so hasn't had a chance to try this yet. Any observations. Thanks and regards, Guns