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  1. Magnificent JLMG just up on Sturmgewehr. If I could, I would--Looks VERY nice. http://www.sturmgewehr.com/webBBS/nfa4sale.cgi?read=137173
  2. There recently was an auction notice posted here regarding a number of unique Johnson prototypes. Does anyone have the original site link and does anyone know what they sold for? On another subject, I have to admit the navigation of this site is puzzling. The JLMG board heading lists 67 topics with 111 replies, yet when you click on the link, the message indicates nothing found. Am I missing something here or are the posts in this forum purged? thanks, g
  3. Fwiw, mine is registered as Model 1941.
  4. Bob, Hope you get good results with your FOIA request. Either way, please do let us know what the response is. Thanks, Gary
  5. Link Here! Link now closed. Does anyone know the final sale price?
  6. Pre-May '86 Dealer Sample for sale. $25K. Available to Class III dealers only (unfortunately). link scroll down near bottom of right hand column.
  7. a few pics for anyone interested.
  8. Hi Bob, thanks for your reply. Your comments jostled my brain. It's been a few years but I now remember the dealer claiming the gun was acquired from another dealer who got it from the Winchester museum. At the time I wasn't sure but your comments seem to corroborate that it is, as you suspect, from Winchester via Mr. Perry. I understand R.J. Perry is now deceased. Do you know what year? I am wondering if it would be likely that the dealer acquired it from him or his estate around 1997 or 1998? Regardless, I really appreciate your comments. If any production info is available, that would certainly be a bonus. Gary
  9. Hello, I am very interested in any data relating to JLMG Serial No. 1967 Supposedly, this gun originated from the Winchester museum at some point in time. Interestingly, it has a rectangular brushed aluminum tag with red numbering. There is a glue mark on the left side of the receiver that appears to match the size and shape of the residue on the back side of the tag. So it does appear to be a legitimate property tag that was once attached to the gun. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks in advance, g
  10. Looks like he is also on Gunbroker. LINK
  11. According to someone over in subguns.com, R.J. Perry of Chicago was the dealer who bought all of the Johnson LMGs from the Winchester collection. This seems to be supported in references I found by searching in this forum. I have also heard a dealer claim that all transferable LMGs in private hands came out of this collection but that's really only hearsay as far as I can tell. Does anyone know if this is true or not. Also, this might be a longshot but does anyone know of any stats regarding how many transferable/papered JLMGs are out there? Thanks in advance, Gary