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Anyone speak Chinese? JSAR vs Garand Video

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Looks like a war movie was being made with the Scoped JSAR being a hero....






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Tooo bad that these channels do not have either closed captioning or optional language tracks, like Prime or Netflix.

A couple years ago, my nephew was hosting a Chinese high school exchange student, who was over here to improve his English. He stayed with them for nearly 10 months.  He had a local dialect but also spoke Mandarin. A really nice boy, and at times quite funny. He went grocery shopping and bought what he though were 'cupcakes', but it turned out to be a 'cake mix' with cupcakes on the packaging. It all worked out as his 'adopted family sisters' got out the cooking utensils and walked him through making and baking his cupcakes, and then helped him make frosting with colored sprinkles. He also became a huge fan of both maple sugaring operation and maple syrup. He loved going to the sugar house and getting fresh maple sap to take to school for his lunch beverage. There were times that he would find videos from his home area and he would play them and pause them and translate what was going on.

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