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Bob Lamoreaux

Cleaners, Lubes, Protectants

4 posts in this topic

I know this topic was discussed before, but I wanted to revisit it because of the rust removal issue in the posts regarding the JSAR that was stored in a (damp) basement. I used EEZOX -- a pricey product -- and am VERY pleased with how it has protected my firearms. It appears to protect against fingerprints on firearms and other metal and certainly has done a good "general" job of keeping the weapons (including knives) rust free. Draw back, other than price, is that you REALLY have to use this stuff outside or in a VERY WELL VENTILATED space.

As keeping our firearms and other metal collectables in pristine condition is an important part of Johnson collecting, I am wondering if others have tried this product or if there are other "favorite' products that act as CLPs.

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A newer product that has become popular around these parts in Gunzilla. It has a faint smell, like seaweed. Some of the guys swear by it, saying they threw all their other stuff out after using this product, and won't use anything else. I have some, and it seems to work OK, but I'm not as enthusiastic about it as my other gun-nut friends. My only issue is that I can use Gunzilla, run patches of that through until I get a clean patch, then follow it up with Hoppes 9 and get 1-2 more dirty patches. It is an excellent protectorant after cleaning though, on both metal and wood.

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Hello Bob - In reply, I'd like to make you aware of a product called Boeshield T-9. Google for it and you'll get some great info from the factory. I first became aware of it several years ago - a friend used it on his boat engine/equipment in the saltwater environment of the Connecticut shoreline. I put it on a shotgun used for ducks and it was simply amazing. I then took out every gun in the safes and broke them down and coated them up. Many of them are not shot regularly. I can tell you that, even after years in the safe, there is absolutely no indication of any rust problems! It leaves a waxy finish on the metal but it can easily be cleaned off with anything like Hoppes. But I've had such success that I don't clean off the surfaces unless I can detect that the coating has worn off. I got a lot of friends who now use it, too.Give it a try!



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